Sunday, 1 May 2016

Countermeasure Technique For Malware

Countermeasure Technique For Malware

Hello Friends, Today We are going to Study the Countermeasure technique for Malware. How can we protect our Computer from Malware. What Countermeasure Techniques we need to Protect our self.

It is always a cat and mouse game between malicious hackers hackers and security administrators. The one who is netter equipped has a greater chance of winning.

This post deals with some of the tools are absolutely necessary protect host in risky environments.


We all know this - antivirus is essential. Antivirus software installed on a client scans all the local files to check for virus infections. The antivirus has a database of all known virus which will be used to determine the virus infections on the device


Anti-worm is a software that can installed on a client device which scans all the local files to check for worm infection . This too relies on a database of known worms to find out infection.


Anti-Trojan software scans all the local files to check for Trojans. Trojans are hidden programs which latch on to legitimate programs.

These Trojans can be detected by the Anti-Trojan software which maintains a database of all known Trojans.

Internet Security Suit

Internet security suit is an application that inspects a device (Laptop, Desktop, Mobile, Tablet) for different kinds of malware like Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Adware etc. Different vendors also include a personal firewall in the suit which can be used to control the traffic flow to and the device and also to control which application can get network access.

Host-based Intrusion detection system

A host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) is an intrusion detection system that monitors and analyses the network of a computing system as well as (in some cases) the network packets on its network interfaces. A host-based IDS monitors all or parts of the dynamic behaviour and the state of a computer system A. HIDS might look at the state of a system, Its stored information whether in RAM in the file system, log files or else where and check that contents of these appear as expected.

Host Based Intrusion Prevention System

A host based intrusion prevention system (HIPS) is an intrusion prevention system that monitors and analyses the internals of a computing system as well as (in some cases) the network packets on its network interface for any malicious traffic or attacks targeted to the host and attempts to block it.

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